Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Positive Functions the Poor and Poverty Has on Society Essay

There is a lot of positive functions poverty and the poor have on society. The existence of poverty makes sure that â€Å"dirty work† is done. â€Å"Dirty work† is classified as dangerous, physically dirty, temporary, undignified, a dead-end, underpaid, and menial jobs. In America, poverty functions to provide low-wage labor pools that makes people, willing or unwilling, to perform dirty work at lowest costs allowed. The poor subsidize tons of activities that benefit the wealthy. They have supported the consumption and investment or the private economy by virtue of the low wages they receive. Barry Schwartz pointed out, â€Å"the low income of the poor enables the rich to divert a higher proportion of their income to savings and investment, and thus to fuel economic growth. This, in turn, can produce higher incomes for everybody, including the poor, although it does not necessarily improve the position of the poor in the socioeconomic hierarchy, since the benefits of economic growth are distributed unequally. † Poverty creates jobs to help serve the poor and shield them off from the rest of the population. Activities flourish because of poverty; examples would be anything considered a â€Å"number game† like the sale of heroin, cheap liquors and wines, prostitutes, pawnshops, and a group called Peacetime Army (this group only enlists poor men). The poor buy foods and other items that other people do not want, for instance day-old bread, fruits and veggies that would be thrown out at grocery stores, second-hand clothing, and deteriorating cars and buildings. The poor also provide incomes for lawyers, teachers, doctors, and other people who are either too old, incompetent, or poorly trained to attract the more wealthy clients/patients. There is a group of poor people called the â€Å"deserving poor†, these people are disabled or just have plain out bad luck. They provide the rest of the population with emotional satisfaction. They Induce compassion, charity and pity thus allowing the people who help them feel as though they are moral, practicing a religious ethic, and that they are philanthropic and generous. The â€Å"deserving poor† let those people feel fortunate for not having to deal with what they have to being struck within the poverty hole. Poverty also promises the status of the people who aren’t poor. In a stratified society, social mobility is an important goal. People need to know where they stand in the level of classes; poverty functions as their reliable/permanent measurement tool for status comparison. To end this long list of positive functions poverty adds to society, I have one last thing – the poor have played a large role in the shaping of America’s political process. They vote and participate far less than other groups in the economic standings. The system is free to ignore the poverty-stricken because of this; this has not only made politics more reasonable and centrist but it has added more to the stability of the processes involved in the American politics.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Literary Analysis: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet as a Historical Fiction Essay

In Jamie Ford’s historical fiction Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, this split narrative focuses on two eras: 1942 and 1986. Within these era’s, Ford’s novel focuses on a Chinese boy, Henry Lee, and what it was like to grow up in the international district with prejudice everywhere, especially in his own family being a first generation American. His novel tells the story of Henry, as well as a Japanese girl by the name of Keiko. The novel tells the story of these two young friends and the hardships faced when the government sends Keiko and her family away to the Japanese internment camps in the Northwest in the 1940’s. His novel displays the effects of the prejudice held against the Japanese during the 1940’s wartime, and the effects it had on the lives of not only those Japanese, but also all Americans, Chinese and other nationalities. We use Anne Scott MacLeod’s essay â€Å"Rewriting History† as a framework while reading Ford’s Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. â€Å"Rewriting History† is a persuasive essay giving criteria of a â€Å"good† Historical Fiction vs. â€Å"bad† Historical Fiction. This essay focuses on three of MacLeod’s criteria for a â€Å"good† Historical Fiction: not rewarding rebellion, not appealing to â€Å"modern sensibilities†, and not overcoming social mores easily. Ford’s novel Hotel on the Corner of Biter and Sweet successfully meets MacLeod’s requirements for a â€Å"good† historical fiction in many ways, although, there are some flaws in a couple of his historical facts, nevertheless, the â€Å"good† historical facts and information in Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet out ways the few historical flaws. First of all, Ford makes sure to give Henry consequences to his rebellious acts; something MacLeod says many â€Å"bad† historical fictions do not do, they only reward with happy endings. Secondly, Ford uses racial discriminations that would have been used back in the 1940’s; another thing MacLeod says that â€Å"bad† historical fiction accommodates to, making it non-offensive and politically correct for the readers. In addition, Henry does not easily overcome the social mores of 1942; again something MacLeod says that â€Å"bad† historical fiction makes it seem easy to overcome the social mores of the era. First of all, meeting MacLeod’s criteria for a â€Å"good† historical fiction†, Ford’s novel does not â€Å"make overt rebellion seem nearly painless and nearly always successful†. Ford displays this when Keiko is taken away Henry keeps some of her belongings safe under his dresser, as well as when Henry sneaks into two different Japanese internment camps searching for Keiko. Though this rebellion seems rewarded at first, as we continue reading we see how, by going to the internment camps and keeping Keiko’s belongings, Henry unknowingly starts a chain of events leading to one, giant consequence. Because Henry keeps Keiko’s belonging, and later writes her letters, his mother finds out and tells Henry’s father. Henry comes home one day and finds his parents at the kitchen table waiting for him with all of Keiko’s pictures spread all over the table. Because of this, Henry’s father gives him a choice: walk out the door and no longer be part of the family or stay and forget about Keiko. In the end Henry chooses to follow his heart and leaves his family (182-185). This forever affects the relationship between Henry and his father, even on his father’s deathbed. Secondly, according to MacLeod’s standard, Ford’s novel is a â€Å"good† historical fiction by not appealing to â€Å"modern sensibilities, so that protagonists experience their own societies as though they were time-travelers, noting racism, sexism, religious bigotry, and outmoded beliefs as outsiders, not as people of and in their cultures. † Ford uses dialect in his novel consisting of racial slurs and comments that would have been used back in the 1940’s. Ford doesn’t accommodate to readers by making the book non-offensive or politically correct. Ford makes the book historically correct as possible. Thirdly, by MacLeod’s criteria, Ford’s novel is a â€Å"good† historical fiction by not â€Å"set[ing] aside the social mores of the past as though they were minor afflictions, small obstacles, easy—and painless—for an independent mind to overcome†. This is displayed near the beginning of the book after Chaz, the bully, snatches Henry’s â€Å"I am Chinese† pin off of his shirt. While walking away Keiko tries to grab Henry’s hand for comfort, but he pushes it away thinking, â€Å"My father would fall over dead†¦ And in town, someone would see us† (23). Ford made the transition of Henry opening up to Keiko take time; they didn’t become immediate friends. Ford makes sure to make the relationship between Keiko and Henry plausible. They both are ‘scholarshipping’ at an all-white school and met working in the school kitchen, as payment for scholarshipping. Their connection is somewhat immediate, yet their relationship progresses slowly. Fourthly, according to MacLeod’s standard, Ford’s novel is a â€Å"good† historical fiction by not omitting â€Å"the less attractive pieces of the past to make . . . arratives meet current social and political preferences†. The 1940’s for the Japanese-Americans were dark times; Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet does anything but omit these facts. From the harsh realities of the hatred between the Chinese and the Japanese displayed between Henry’s father, Henry, and Keiko, to the removal of the Japanese, Ford’s novel spares no â€Å"less attractive piece of the past† to make this novel appealing to the average human in this generation. Ford makes sure to put historical fact ahead of the appealing story’s fiction. Lastly, Ford’s novel is a â€Å"good† historical fiction, by MacLeod’s criteria, because It does not imply that â€Å"people of another time either understood or should have understood the world as we do now. † Though Henry and Keiko had an unusual relationship that most Chinese and Japanese children in the 1940’s wouldn’t have had, it isn’t entirely implausible. Think of it like this†¦ The world is always changing, so how does it change? Someone has to be the one to make those changes happen. We don’t have the same view of the Japanese, or any race for that matter, that we did in past generations. So again, what changed? Obviously Ford’s novel is under the category of ‘fiction’ and the actions of Henry didn’t have this amazing effect of the 1940’s that changed history forever†¦ However, someone’s actions, somewhere in the 1940’s, affected history. This fact makes the relationship between Henry and Keiko, as well as Ford’s novel as a whole, historically plausible. In conclusion Ford’s novel has an overwhelming amount of evidence backing up the hypothesis that his novel is a â€Å"good† work of historical fiction by MacLeod’s standard. Though the end of the novel rewards you with a cheesy, sappy love story ending, something slightly implausible, Ford does his best he can to keep the history in this ‘historical fiction’ factual and true. Over all this novel is a highly plausible, and by MacLeod’s criteria, a â€Å"good† work of Historical Fiction. Ford’s novel is also a reminder of the injustice against the Japanese-Americans during the wartime of the 1940’s and cautions us to never let ourselves as a people treat anyone we see as ‘different’ with the prejudice we so easily treated the Japanese with.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Healthcare Outreach and Its Economic Effect Dissertation

Healthcare Outreach and Its Economic Effect - Dissertation Example Hospital Outreach Program: An Expense or Revenue 25 2.8. An Expense 26 2.9. Outreach Program: Revenue Generating 30 Summary 39 Chapter III 41 Methodology 41 3.2. Research Questions 44 3.3. Ethical Considerations 45 3.4. Role of the Researcher 46 3.5. Methodology Framework 48 3.5.1. Selection of Documents 48 3.5.2. Population and Sample 49 3.6. Data Collection Procedures 50 3.7. Data Analysis 51 3.8. Validity and Reliability 51 Summary 53 Chapter 4 Findings 53 4.0. Introduction 54 4.1. Findings 55 Chapter 5 Discussions 64 5.0. Introduction 64 5.1. Discussions 65 5.1.1. The New Framework 65 5.1.2. The Deconstructed Nature of Outreach 67 5.1.3. The Reduced Costs 68 5.1.4. Outreach, Hospitals and Saudi Arabia Health Care System 69 Summary 72 Chapter 6 Conclusion 73 6.0. Summary 73 6.1. Recommendation 75 6.2. Conclusion 76 6.3. Limitations and Difficulties 77 6.4. Future Studies 78 References: 79 Table Table 1 P 26 Table 2 p54 Table 3 p58 Figures Fig. 1 p 25 Fig. 2 p 36 Fig. 3 p55 Fig. 4 p56 Fig. 5 p57 Fig. 6 p60 Fig. 7 p61 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0. Introduction World Health Organization (2000) has defined health care system to be promoting maintaining and restoring health of the people. Although the definition provides a very broad understanding, context and scope, it has become on e of the primary motivators for authentic change in the health care system (Leng & Barraclough, 2007). ... Saudi Arabia is considerably a young nation, founded on 1932 (Baranowski, 2009). However, despite this fact, Saudi Arabia has provided its people comprehensive and universal coverage in their heath care access and services. Saudi Arabia has been categorized by WHO as belonging to upper middle class category (2006). In this regard, it becomes undeniable that the country is considered as affluent. The economic progress in the country, which ensued as a result of the increase in the price of oil in the world market is not only evident in the development of infrastructures, telecommunications and other signs of development and progress. The government of Saudi Arabia has steadily invested in the health care system of the country because the government recognizes the crucial role of the supposition that in Saudi Arabia health care should be made available to everybody regardless of gender, nationality and economic status (Boutayeb & Serghini, 2006; WHO, 2006). Saudi Arabia’s univer sal and comprehensive health care coverage is an attestation of the truism that economic development should permeate in all segments and sectors of the society (Stiglitz, 2009). For it is in this way, that economic development can be claimed to be working for the people, as it becomes manifest in the increase quality of life (Balakrishnan, 2010; Stiglitz, 2009). In Saudi Arabia, the primary health care provider is the government. The financial burden of the disease is shouldered by the government, thus, the citizens have been freed from the concerns and difficulties arising from illness. Despite, universal and comprehensive health care access and coverage, Saudi Arabian

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Diplomatic truth Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diplomatic truth - Coursework Example job of a diplomat is to deliver a message across without saying it directly; hence, the origin of the term diplomatese or the lingo and jargon of diplomacy. A non-diplomat untrained in an art that hides its message in plain language may have difficulty deciphering its actual message. In todays globalized environment, diplomacy acquires greater significance to impose order and avoid conflicts among various competing national interests along strategic issues like in trade or military considerations or in the scramble for scarce and declining resources. One baffling question is whether there is such a thing as â€Å"diplomatic truth† when the art of diplomacy requires and dictates that diplomats avoid harsh or direct language but still in diplomatic parlance deliver the message as intended that is well understood by the recipients. If we realize that truth can sometimes be a relative concept (true to one person but false to the other person sitting opposite the negotiating table), then diplomatic truth is indeed an idea that can acquire various shades. This can be discerned in the way and what language is used in the art of diplomatic exchanges, ranging from the mild (indirect) to the harsh (direct), in degrees. Diplomacy is like a room full of mirrors; one has to discern correctly what was being said in order to avoid gross misinterpretations and costly mistakes amid all the double talk. In this regard, it can be said that there is really no real diplomatic truth in the literal sense. Truth is a mirage in diplomatic circles and in high places during policy-making discussions. The use of diplomatic truth, if ever it exists, is to refine the language to deliver several meanings but at the same time, perhaps a strong message. It is contained in the old phrase â€Å"suaviter in modo, fortiter in re† or translated roughly as, resolute in execution but gentle in manners. Ambiguity in diplomacy is intentional and forms part of the polite language in the art of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the Essay

Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the detriment of organizational dynamics or to the detriment of s - Essay Example Take the case of patent applications. Technological innovation has been linked to the increase in patent applications. This is due to the extension of patent domain to new objects such as research tools, software, business methods, artificially engineered organisms and genes. Moreover new players like public agencies and universities have also entered the patent domain thereby making the market more competitive. In the past twenty years, we have witnessed a rapid growth in the rates of patents which also includes patenting the scientific resources and results. It has been observed that the patent applications from US corporations conducted from 1988 – 2000 have more than doubled. In other words, patents have acquired strategic value. A classic example in this context is that of Texas Instruments. This company is estimated to have profited around one billion dollars from patent licenses and settlements due to its aggressive enforcement policy. The above mentioned aspects have l ed to an increase in the patenting rates. This has subsequently increased the litigation expenses. According to the US Department of Commerce, patent litigation that commenced in the year 1991, led to an overall legal expenditure by US firms which were at least 25% of the cost of basic research conducted by these firms in 1991 (Dosi, Marengo & Pasquali, 2006). An important breakthrough in technology is the invention of computers and other advanced tools which provides accurate and fast results. Advanced and innovative software has provided us a platform to interact online with each other. The advent of e-mail, intranet, social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter etc. has made it possible for people to interact online. Previously, people used to meet each other and visit their close friends and relatives. Occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries were celebrated and people visited each other in person. However, with the advent of online tools people no longer care to visit their close friends and relatives. Instead they interact with them online with the various internet tools that have been invented. Nowadays, these tools are a means to keep in touch with each other and hence face-to-face interaction has lessened to quite an extent. Another negative effect of computers is that it has led to reduction in manual labor. Previously, all types of work needed to be done manually and this meant higher demand for laborers. With automation, the entire scenario has changed. Many people may argue that the job market has become more competitive with all firms struggling to put in their best to remain in market. However, the newspaper industry has been hit very hard as technological innovation has paved the way for advertising and market promotion actions through the web. Nowadays firms and organizations prefer to promote their products and services through the internet, online magazines and brochures which have a wider public appeal. This is one of the main reasons w hy most newspaper firms have ceased to remain in the market and in most countries it has been observed that only a handful of such companies remain in market. Technological innovation is a vicious cycle. Take the example of the automobile industry. With the advances made in technology, new automobiles are being designed taking into account the consumer comfort and luxury. In most countries people consider car to be a necessity as they prefer to commute driving their own automobile. This has led to an increase in the pollution levels

Friday, July 26, 2019

LOG502 MoD 5 TD Logistics Alternatives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

LOG502 MoD 5 TD Logistics Alternatives - Essay Example The considerable cost savings can outweigh the speed used by shippers to move goods by trucks. In addition, intermodal is an environmentally friendly transportation mode (Browne et al. 4). By the use of intermodal transportation, organizations can reduce carbon footprint. Intermodal logistics parks allow shippers to have access to standardized transit schedules. It translates into capacity, reliability, and safety advantages. Moving the freight to intermodal allows companies to restructure their reverse logistics. Intermodal logistics parks provide cost savings, greater capacity, increased reliability, and significant safety and green advantages. Intermodal freight transportation can be costly because of the number of transportation modes. Intermodal logistics parks involve high costs that are linked with moving freight by the use of different modes of transportation. In addition, the absence of communication and equipment’s idle time may increase costs of transportation. Equally, equipment moving from one place to another empty adds to the costs. The costs incurred are expenses paid to employees and fuel costs. (Browne et al.

Describe all the issues about which Sister Aloysius could have doubts Essay

Describe all the issues about which Sister Aloysius could have doubts , going from the least important to the most important. ( - Essay Example It is very shocking that Sister Aloysius could have the potential of turning into a doubting Thomas given the dogmatic image of one who never had any doubt in her life (Shanley 22). In an effort to make this issue sink even further, it is revealed that Sister Aloysius told a lie. This is against the fact that it is a very strong Catholic dogma that no any lie of any sort ought to be encouraged leave alone being told (Waldmeir 34). This very rigid law is held even in circumstances where the lie could be the solitary tool in defeating the devil. Despite being a very sincere and devoted servant of God, Sister Aloysius finds herself in a very compromising situation. She is unwillingly introduced to the Machiavellian relativism. Sister Aloysius goes further to encapsulate humanity’s doubt in its last century. It is at this very point that Sister Aloysius openly abandons absolutism (Books Llc 43). The very step that Sister Aloysius takes in abandoning absolutism violates greatly the vow that she had personally taken in an effort to affirm her obedience to the church which was aimed at catching the pedophile (Waldmeir 79). As the play progresses, it comes to the realization that Sister Aloysius is very important when the hierarchy fails to work. At this point in time, Sister Aloysius transforms into the prosecutor, the jury and even the judge. This step marks the beginning of Sister Aloysius to fall in the slippery tracks already built by the principle of moral relativism. This rings a question to the mind of the reader as to whether it is really possible for anyone to offer any defense or support to moral absolutes if at all Sister Aloysius cannot do it. It therefore possesses yet another doubt on how truly the aspect of evil could be effectively stopped (Shengold 51). A heavy doubt lingers on whether there can be any staged war against the issue of evil if at all the absolutes being in place. Faith has now escaped and the only thing that is present is doubt w hich is being portrayed as having captured every individual. As the play progresses, it is notable that boundaries are being set for the rapid spread of doubt. This can be seen in the case that involves Aloysius the pedophile. It is very clear that Sister Aloysius is borrowing heavily from intuition in handling these particular cases (Bryer 61). The evidence that is presented by Aloysius proves to be more flimsy as compared to the evidence that comes from WMDs who are located in Iraq. In this particular case, Sister Aloysius is vey much in doubt about the case since the audience is further informed that if at all she could have been successful in accessing the right results then only luck could be the propelling force (Books Llc 82). The doubt that Sister Aloysius has is in regard to the spiritual issue. This is brought out clearly in the book. It is in regard to this that Sister Aloysius argues that if at all by any chance the society is filled with evil doers as he presumes, then she could put in contribution to the evil activities and move away further from God. Despite the fact that history was filled with evil doers who were acting from fierce conviction such as suicide bombers, witch hunters, Mullahs and the Inquisitors these people act form the conviction that they are protecting children (Shanley 19). As a matter of fact, it is in reference to these very

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Quantitative Methods Individual work2 wk2 Assignment

Quantitative Methods Individual work2 wk2 - Assignment Example She has beat her opponent with a battling average of 0.03 hits/at-bat My criteria for choosing the best player would be based on the batting average of the player. The right player for the scholarship is the one that has the highest batting average. The best player averagely will be Fran Hayes with a battling average of 5.66 hits/at-bat whereas her opponent Millie Marshall had an average of 5.59 hits/at-bat. This makes the analysis choose on Fran Hayes is the best player. She has the biggest overall hits/at-bat and, therefore, deserves the opportunity. However, a factor that must be incorporated in this analysis is that Millie Marshall did not win, but she records the highest hits/at-bat during her senior years than Fran Hayes. She is victorious because of the total battling average of her junior and senior years. Millie Marshall would have been given the scholarship if it were based on observing the current trend in hits/at-bat. She records the highest battle hits /at –bat and, therefore, the current softball team would rely on her to a great extent. If the analysis were focused on selecting a player based on the battling average of her junior years, then the best player in this context would still be Fran Hayes. This is because she records the highest batting average during her junior years. She has a battling average of 3hits/at-bat compared to her competitor who has 2.66 hits/at-bat. The range at which she beats her competitor is 0.34 which is a slightly significant margin. She was good during her junior years, however currently her competitor only beats her by a very narrow margin of 0.03 which is a slight margin. The selection of Fran Hayes as the suitable candidate for the scholarship is still rational and superb. Fran Hayes had a good start of the game during her junior years. She seemed to have gotten a better foundation and learnt the game much faster than her competitor. This is because her batting average during the junior years was very

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing - Research Paper Example oose to outsource to avoid the pain of manufacturing in-house and reduce the cost of business while the risks involved in outsourcing are mainly lack of coordination, and linguistic barriers. Right management is the secret of a successful business which uses outsourcing. Outsourcing particularly proves beneficial for small companies. One of the success stories for such a case has been the outsourcing of Finance and Accounting (F&A) by Rhapsody; the music-subscription service. Originally the company was functioning as a joint venture, but when the parent companies separated, the finance president Michael McGinn immediately needed a finance team, so he opted for outsourcing. McGinn hired the services of an Indian company who did all for the company ranging from making payrolls to account reconciliations. This benefited the Rhapsody in numerous ways; additional resources were produced within six months only, scaling back was achieved without penalties, and the five employees in the Indian company cost the Rhapsody as much as two US-based employees would get. Technology has made it very convenient for small companies to outsource the F&A work at cheap rate. As a result of the increased competition in the market, outsourcers have started to render their services at cheaper rates. There has been a six to eight per cent decline in the price of F&A outsourcing between 2009 and 2011. Over a period of six years starting from 2004, the outsourcing contract has declined in value from $30 million to $18 million not only because of â€Å"increased competitiveness and falling price points, but also [to] the increased number of engagements being signed with organizations in the $750 million to $3 billion revenue category† (Stuart). According to Ben Towbridge, the CEO of Alsbridge, an offshore finance employee costs a company anywhere from $18,000 to $28,000 annually, whereas a US finance worker charges the company up to $70,000 including benefits (2011). The core idea of starting

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Entry Mode in the Chinese Car Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Entry Mode in the Chinese Car Industry - Essay Example As more and more manufacturing companies, operating internationally, face heavy domestic and global pressure and make increasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) abroad, the research of the entry mode decision has caught the attention of managers and academic scholars. In this regard, many theories, which identify and focus on diversified variables that influence the entry mode decision, have been developed. After several years of continuous growth, China is now the fourth-largest automobile market in the world next to U.S., Japan and Germany. Even the development continues at just half its current pace, there is a possibility that China could leap into second place in 3-5 years. Automobile executives, facing flat or falling sales in their home markets, predict that China will become their biggest market on the next decade. Thus competitions in the Chinese car market will become tough, which will eventually mark down automobile prices to a rational level and extend competition in price, quality and after-sale service. Since there is an increase in the number of wealthy Chinese yearly and that the recent statistics reveals that Chinese private citizens have overtaken the government in the purchased of car units, automobile giants both at home and abroad look at the Chinese car market as their prospect. ... Probably the mounting of sales is attributed to the car loan offerings of banks, series of price cuts for homemade cars promoted by a tariff cut in January and the construction of additional roads. There is immense untapped growth potential in China's automobile market. According to government statistics, last year car ownership was only 1.5 units per 1,000 persons over the global average of more than 90 units. Besides, statistics also reveal that in the next five years about 32% of China's urban residents intend to buy a car. These results bode well for car marketers both in China and abroad. Giant global automobile industries now are either responding with vast investment or reforming models like mini cars that most fit the Chinese family use. Following Volkswagen and Citroen, almost all of major car manufactures, such as General Motors, Ford Motor, Honda, Fiat, Toyota and Mazda, made investments in joint ventures with Chinese carmakers successively thus intensifying competition for market shares. Unlike the international automobile giants, China's automobile industry is fragmented. Of the 118 car manufactures in China, most are small, whereas its top five manufacturers produced 37 percent of total output in 2001. However, with the current low labor cost which is only one-twentieth and one-thirtieth of that in Japan, the government labeled China as a "pillar industry" that has great room for development. But still it is expected to be a difficult process and the need for Chinese government restructure the industry is yet to realize. With the commitments to the WTO in 2003, China has agreed to implement another round of tariff cuts for automobiles before ultimately reducing the tariff level for automobiles to 25 percent by 2006. Besides, China is also

Monday, July 22, 2019

Labeling theory Essay Example for Free

Labeling theory Essay Stereotypes are thoughts adopted about a person or a group of people that may or may not be true. In reality a stereotype does not really have a definition. Different people view stereotypes differently. Researchers and psychologists have different definitions what a stereotypes can actually be. Some people regard stereotypes as being a negative thing, might go as far as saying it is prejudice. This is because cultures label others differently. If a person does not understand a culture but sees a trend they assume that the whole culture must be that way. This is an example of what stereotyping means to most. Psychologists Yueh-Ting Lee and Charles Stangor have their own believes on stereotypes. They do not agree on what stereotyping is, but both add a valid explanation. Yueh-Ting Lee a professor from the Westfield State College is a psychologist that has researched and wrote about stereotypes in our cultures. He believes that stereotypes might be perceived as a negative thing because they involve generalizing a culture or person. Lee believes that stereotypes are far from the truth. He doesn’t believe that a person or culture can be generalized to one thing. The world is a big place that can be very unfamiliar to most people. People that have never traveled the world or seen many cultures do not truly understand these places. Most of the people in the world fall under this curious but unaware category. Lee believes that stereotypes are needed for these kinds of people. What better way to start understanding a culture then looking at the stereotypes? He believes that stereotypesare a starting point in understanding the different people and cultures. Stereotyping is a belief we use to categorize people, objects and events. Lee says that these stereotypes will help uncertain people deal with all the information about the vast cultures on earth. All this leads Lee to believe that stereotyping is a good and necessary way of obtaining opinions on people and cultures. Charles Stangor a psychologist from the University of Maryland College Park has his view on stereotypes. He does not share the same views as Lee in regards to stereotyping being a useful or good thing. Stangor leans more into the idea that people need to rate others in order to know where they stand. This is an aspect of stereotyping shared by many. The fact that one culture or person will generalize another culture or person into a group based on who they are and what they do. Stagnor believes that powerful people use stereotypes to exploit selected groups of people. There are many negative stereotypes that arise from people generalizing on one aspect of a person or culture. For example African Americans are labeled to be good athletes but portrayed not to be as smart as Asians or whites. Stagnor believes that is a manipulation, and that stereotypes cannot be true, therefore they cannot be used to judge a person or their culture. Stagnor believes that generalizing can lead to more serious things like racism, sexism, or other prejudice. Stereotypes cannot be labeled as a good thing. This planet has many different people, cultures, beliefs, and races. Every single human being is different than every other human. If this is all true then how can we label people into categories? A human is not something up for sale and cannot be labeled and shelved in a specific section. This is maybe true about whole groups of people from the same race or culture. Like Stagnor believes stereotyping leads people to become prejudice against others. Labeling a race into one category is racism in a sense. A common stereotype is that all African Americans are great athletes but not as smart as other cultures. This is viewed because a lot of them are professional athletes. Being athletic does not make someone less intelligent, or being smart does not mean someone cannot be an athlete. This is an example of viewing a race only through one lense. People will not be able to understand other cultures if they only see someone from one side. Lee argues that stereotypes will lead us to understand or just began understanding someone. What if someone takes these stereotypes and sticks to that idea about someone. This will lead people to generalize races and cultures into one idea. This will be a harmful stereotype because we will be unable to look past that one idea. Negative stereotyping will lead humans to be intolerable of other races and cultures. People must understand why someone different then themselves is the way they are. If a select group of people are labeled in some way we cannot label the whole race that way. We have to give the rest of that race a chance. The least we can do is to understand a race before we pass a judgment.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Culture on Marketing

Impact of Culture on Marketing The impact of culture on how the products or services might be marketed in various regions around the world. Nandos is a multi-national food chain restaurant with thousands of restaurants across the globe. Nandos are a South-African food chain that has expanded globally over the last 15 years. The Impact of culture on how this food product/service has been viewed in various countries around the world had originally had a negative effect when Nandos first tried to expand to different countries. When expanding a business globally one of the main objectives to making an impact on the market is to take into consideration that countries culture. This is what Nandos failed to do and hence cost the in terms of how fast the company expanded. It has rigidly and excessively stuck to its corporate culture exhibited in South Africa. It failed to note that South Africans national culture is not the same thing as what applies in countries in European and Asian states . (Cross Cultural Management Report On Nandos Cultural Studies Essay) A time when Nandos did adjust their product or service to have an impact on a particular culture was when they collectively targeted people in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan. The company knows that during the month Ramadan takes place, Muslim people do not eat during sunlight as it is part of there religious beliefs. Nandos open there restaurants right up to midnight to offer a better service to the customers as they feast at sundown. This years Ramadan will run from Friday 26th of May till Saturday 24th June. With Social media being at the forefront of communicating today that is where Nandos do most of their advertising as it costs less than any other source of advertisement. The problem with this is when Nandos releases and ad online it must cater for all the different cultures of the countries in which they have restaurants in and countries they wish to expand to. They must not cause worldwide unrest. A time when the food chain did cause a huge global cultural problem was on March 26th 2016 when the released a paper print advertisement that was in the English Daily newspaper. The print read: We dont mind if you touch our buns, or breasts, or even our thighs. Whatever youre into, enjoying any Nandos meal with your hands is always recommended, read the advertisement. The headline read: Try something you can grab with both hands. Source: (NandoS Cheeky Print Ad Stirs Up Trouble; Ends In Public Apology) This little piece of advertisement placed in an English newspaper grabbed headlines in India it was that controversial. The topic was covered by the Nandos received severe backlash from people on social media as many people viewed this as being sexist towards women. This resulted in Nandos issuing an apology to its followers. Source: (NandoS Cheeky Print Ad Stirs Up Trouble; Ends In Public Apology) This is just one cultural issue that Nandos got wrong when marketing not only in the UK but globally that had a negative effect on customers. This shines the company negatively that will see customers and potential customers boycott the brand thus, delays the company from growing and building cultural relationships with countries. The Impact of culture on how an organisation might be managed from a HR perspective. When an organization is growing internationally, culture must be instilled within the core of an organization. Culture is a huge part of business, especially big international companies as it is tough to take all the determinants of culture into account of a whole country, youve got to make sure you are not insulting anyone and all the barriers have been successfully resolved.The norms of culture are: religion, political economic philosophies, education, language and social structure. The norms and values of culture evolve overtime.It is vital a manger tells their employees what these values and norms are so that they can carry out their duties how the mangers want the company to be seen by its customers. The Nando s management in the South African headquarter had given no room for the management of its firms in other countries to operate freely this has given them no room for innovative strategic marketing planning in observance to the environment in which they operate in . The national culture of South Africa has greatly influenced the corporate culture of the Nandos organization and it thus constituted a negative impact when its adherence and transfer to other national culture that is not compatible , led to the unprofitable business operations in these countries . (Cross Cultural Management Report On Nandos Cultural Studies Essay) The impact of culture on issues such as negotiations with local suppliers and agents. Nandos are a company that basis themselves on serving their customers with fresh never frozen chicken but this has come under scrutiny. Nandos came under fire in 2013 when a Daily Mail reporter wrote an article describing the whole story about why Nandos chicken isnt as wholesome as you think (Daily Mail, 2013). They suggested that Faccenda, one of Nandos main chicken suppliers, kept the chickens in poor conditions, (NandoS Ethical Practice And How It Could Be Improved) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦these birds will have been bred in hangar-like sheds, never setting foot outdoors in the six weeks it takes them to reach their genetically engineered slaughter weight. (Daily Mail, 2013). If this was through it would have a knock on effect when the company went to negotiate with other suppliers and would maybe cause customers to go elsewhere for natural fresh chicken. For example Nandos main fresh chicken suppliers (uk) as posted on their website are: Cargill, Moy Park, Faccenda, Freemans of Newent and 2sisters. The other suppliers of the fresh chicken may boycott the company as they dont want to be labelled with suppliers such as Faccenda as it could have repercussions on their trade in the future. This could leave Nandos with suppliers cancelling their trade agreements. Another impact this could have with negotiations with local suppliers and agents is with this article being released the other suppliers may demand more money as they are supplying fully fresh chicken compared to Faccenda suppliers. Nandos also came under scrutiny in 2014 when the guardian released an article questioning how ethical Nandos is. Recently the Enthoven family, who owns Nandos, has been found to have a secretive offshore  £750m trust located in a Channel Islands. This offshore trust means that family can avoid UK inheritance tax on all their fortune (The Guardian, 2014). However the restaurant group pointed out that they paid  £12.6m in UK corporation tax last year. This also could have had an impact on Nandos when they want to expand in the UK in terms of taxes and the relationship with the government. Suggestions       Nandos actions on social media is one of the main areas that needs to be adjusted in order to entice more people to eat in their restaurants. Social media connects everyone around the world. People of all cultures so Nandos must be careful want content/ads they release online as it could be seen as funny by one nation and disrespectful by another. Nandos is known for releasing these controversial adverts around the world. From my findings this is the main area the company needs to adjust or rethink. Whoever looks after the social media on behalf of Nandos make sure they have the necessary training it takes to operate these profiles. From my findings another area I havent mentioned a lot is the Nandos menu. It is almost the same all across the world. 90% of the menu is the same as it is here in Ireland. I think a good idea would be to introduce more types of food options on menus in countries based on the culture of the country that Nandos operate in. For example: India already has 5 restaurants, with Nandos planning on expanding their. Integrate Indian delicacies to the menu to cater for that country to try entice more of the locals that are not fans of the Portuguese food Nandos serve. Bibliography: Leigh, David, James Ball, and Leila Haddou. Nandos Using Secretive Tax Haven Trust To Avoid Inheritance Tax Bills. the Guardian. N.p., 2017. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. NandoS Ethical Practice And How It Could Be Improved. rmtheory2practice. N.p., 2017. Web. 10 Mar. 2017. NandoS Cheeky Print Ad Stirs Up Trouble; Ends In Public Apology. The Indian Express. N.p., 2017. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. Cross Cultural Management Report On Nandos Cultural Studies Essay. UKEssays. N.p., 2017. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

Interleukin-6 Levels in Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis

Interleukin-6 Levels in Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis Study of Interleukin-6 Levels in Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis Dr. Sonawane Vijay B., Dr. Mehkarkar Nitin S., Dr. Jadhav Pradnya B., Dr. Gaikwad Sonali U., Dr. Kadam Nitin N. Department of Pediatrics, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA ABSTRACT Introduction: Neonatal septicemia is one of the commonest causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Interleukin-6 Levels appears to be one of the most promising candidate cytokine for early diagnosis of neonatal septicemia. The aim and objectives of this study was to study the role of IL-6 levels as an early marker for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and to compare IL-6 levels with other septic markers. Materials and Methods: This is a hospital based prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of IL-6 as an early diagnostic marker of neonatal sepsis. Eighty neonates, delivered in the hospital, having risk factors for neonatal sepsis, along with those coming to hospital with signs and symptoms of sepsis up to 28 days of life (as study group ) along with normal newborns admitted to the postnatal ward without high risk factors (control group) were enrolled for this study. Results: IL-6 Levels has shown maximum Sensitivity of 95.83%, Specificity of 87.50%, Positive Predictive Value of 92 %, Negative Predictive Value of 93.33 % and Accuracy of 92.50 %. E.Coli was the most common organism responsible for sepsis. CRP was reported to be highly sensitive(84.21%), and CBC was highly specific (75.00%), IT ratio has sensitivity of 62.5% and specificity of 56.25% while Micro-ESR has shown sensitivity of 50.0% and specificity of 62.5%, Out of 80 cases, blood culture (BacTalert) showed growth in 48 cases in study group while two cases in control group. Thus blood culture positivity was 60%. Conclusion: IL-6 test has maximum sensitivity as well as specificity in comparison with other septic markers. Blood culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of septicemia.CRP is most sensitive while CBC is most specific marker in neonatal sepsis. KEY WORDS: Neonatal Sepsis, Diagnostic Markers, Mortality, IL-6 Levels. INTRODUCTION Neonatal Septicemia is the leading cause neonatal mortality and morbidity in India. It is estimated that 20% of all neonates develop sepsis1 and is responsible for 30-50% of total neonatal death in developing countries2. Accurate and timely diagnosis of neonatal sepsis still remains a major challenge to the pediatricians and neonatologists. Mortality due to neonatal sepsis is preventable and if diagnosed early the outcome is better. Several indicators have been evaluated as septic screen for the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis like CBC, CRP, Micro-ESR, IT ratio, and Blood Culture. There is a constant search for better and ideal diagnostic marker. Ideal marker should be sensitive, specific and easily available. Its results should be immediate and reproducible. Recently various new markers are being studied such as IL-6, TNF-ÃŽ ±, Procalcitonin, G-CSF etc. IL-6 is an inducer of hepatic protein synthesis which promotes production and liberation of CRP and can be detected early when t here is bacterial bloodstream invasion. It appears to be one of the most promising candidate cytokine for early diagnosis of neonatal septicaemia.3,4 In the present study conducted at Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, IL-6 levels were assessed in normal healthy newborns as well as newborns with high risk factors for sepsis and the usefulness of IL-6 was evaluated as an early marker for sepsis detection and its effectiveness was compared with other septic markers. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Design: A prospective study design was used to evaluate the efficacy of IL-6 as an early diagnostic marker of neonatal sepsis. This is a hospital based study conducted in M.G.M Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. Study Period: July-2005 to August-2007 Sample Size: Eighty neonates, delivered in the hospital, having risk factors for neonatal sepsis, along with those coming to hospital with signs and symptoms of sepsis up to 28 days of life (as Study Group) also normal newborns admitted to the postnatal ward without high risk factors (Control Group) were enrolled for this study. Newborns were treated with antibiotics for clinical evidence of sepsis positive septic score as per neonatal sepsis score system (Table 1). Table 1: Neonatal sepsis score system5 Score1=risk of infection, Score2=need septic work up to exclude, Score 3 or more=investigate and treat A detailed history was taken and examination was done. Following laboratory tests were done as soon as presumptive diagnosis of sepsis was made based on septic score system and on clinical grounds. All investigations were done within 24 hours of birth or at presentation before starting antibiotics like IL-6 levels, CBC, CRP with titer, Micro ESR, Immature to Total (IT) ratio, peripheral smear for toxic granules and band forms, blood culture (BacTalert), x-ray chest, CSF whenever indicated etc. Soon after birth, 1 ml of venous blood was drawn for blood culture. Also 5 ml of venous blood was collected for TLC, DLC, peripheral blood smear, micro-ESR and CRP. CRP was sent at 12 hours of life in newborns with high risk factors for sepsis. This study was approved by Ethical Committee of this hospital. Informed Written Consent was obtained from parents before entry into this study. Information of selected neonates including detailed history and clinical examination was recorded on a predesi gned proforma. Interleukin-6 Levels Determination3,4 : 1 ml blood was collected in plain bulb and serum was tested by Chemiluminescent Immunometric technique in IMMULITE Machine1000 (Table 2). IMMULITE 1000 IL-6 is a solid phase, enzyme labeled, Chemiluminescent sequential immunometric assay. The use of an ultracentrifuge is recommended to clear lipemic samples. Volume required – 100  µL serum, EDTA or Heparinized Plasma (Sample cup must contain at least 250  µL more than the total volume required). Interpretation6,7: Table 2 – Interpretation Guide for Immune Monitoring DATA ANALYSIS Data was collected, classified, tabulated and analyzed. Tests of significance were applied at appropriate places and interpretation was done accordingly. To evaluate the difference between the categories, McNemar Chi Square test was used as a test of significance. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Of total of 80 cases, with risk factor and clinical signs and symptoms of sepsis (40 cases as study group) and normal healthy newborns without risk factors (40 cases as control group). The study group consists of 28 males (70%) and 12 females (30%) while control group consists of 21 males (52.50%) and 19 females (47.50%). Among 40 babies of study group, 24(60%) are blood culture (BacTalert) positive and 16 (40%) are blood culture (BacTalert) negative while in control group, 1(2.50%) is blood culture (BacTalert) positive and 39(97.50%) are blood culture(BacTalert) negative (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to Blood Culture In study group, E-coli comprised the maximum number of cases accounting for sepsis i.e. 7 (17.5%) followed by 5 cases (12.5%) of Acinetobacter baumanii, 5 cases (12.5%) of Klebsiella Pneumoniae, 2 cases(5%) each for Citrobacter and Staphylococcus aureus and 1 case (2.5%) has shown Pseudomonous Sp., Burkholderia cepacia and Fungus while no growth in 16 (40% ) cases. In control group, only 1 case (2.5%) shows growth of Acinetobacter baumanii and 39 cases (97.5%) are sterile (Fig. 2). Bhargava et al8 noted in their study that the incidence of E.Coli as the causative organism of neonatal sepsis was 45%. Mirfet al9 in their study of 50 cases also showed similar results. McCraken10 , Faridi and Gupta11 , Kumar GD et al12 have also reported that gram negative septicemia is more common than gram positive septicemia Study Group Control Group Fig. 2: Pie Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to Microbiological Growth on Blood Culture Out of 40 cases in study group, CBC is abnormal in 13 cases (32.5%), Blood Culture (BacTalert) was positive in 24 cases (60%) and 4 cases (10%) has CBC abnormal with sterile blood culture. In this study CBC had low sensitivity (37.50%) and high specificity ( 75.00%). Chan and Ho13 revealed in their study that abnormal CBC had the lowest sensitivity and PPV while abnormal ANC had the lowest specificity and NPV among them. (Fig. 3) Fig. 3: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to CBC Out of 40 cases in study group, CRP is reactive in 31 cases (77.5%), Blood culture is positive in 24 cases (60%) and 15 cases (37.5%) are having CRP reactive with sterile blood culture. In this study CRP was reported most sensitive (84.21%) but low specific(28.57%), Franz AR et al14 showed that there is generally a delay of up to 24 hours between onset of symptoms of infection and a rise in serum CRP. Sensitivity of the test at presentation is only 40% that is, 60% of subsequently proven sepsis episodes will have a normal initial CRP. (Fig. 4). Fig. 4: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to CRP Out of 40 cases in study group, IT Ratio is abnormal in 22 cases (55%), Blood Culture is positive in 24 cases (60%) and 7 cases (17.5%) are having IT Ratio abnormal with sterile blood culture. In our study IT ratio was reported NPV of 50.0%. Ghosh et al15 studied 103 high risk neonates having predisposing perinatal factors or clinical suspicion of sepsis and found that an abnormal immature to total neutrophil (IT) ratio were the most sensitive indicators in identifying neonates with sepsis showing high negative predictive value over 94%. (Fig. 5) Fig. 5: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to IT Ratio Out of 40 cases in study group, Micro-ESR is abnormal in 18 cases (45%), Blood Culture is positive in 24 cases (60%) and 6 cases (15%) has Micro ESR abnormal with sterile blood culture. In our study Micro-ESR has shown sensitivity of 50.0%, specificity of 62.5. K.K. Diwakarand Rosul G16 studied on 114 term neonates for early neonatal sepsis. The sensitivity and specificity of the revised Micro-ESR was 62.5% and 60.9% respectively in diagnosing culture proven sepsis. (Fig. 6) Fig. 6: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to Micro-ESR Among 40 babies of study group, 25 (62.50%) has IL-6 Test positive and 15 (37.50%) has IL-6 Test negative while in control group, 3 (7.5%) has IL-6 Test positive and 37 (92.5%) has IL-6 Test negative. In present study, neonatal mortality is seen in 4 cases (5%) of the total 80 cases. Of these 4 cases, all cases have shown elevated IL-6 levels. Hence, strongly elevated IL-6 levels in this study have found to be associated with bad prognosis as indicated by death. Statistical analysis of IL-6 levels concentration >100 pg/ml in this study of 40 cases (study group) yielded a sensitivity of 95.83% and specificity of 87.50 % whereas Positive predictive value and the Negative predictive value is 92% and 93.33% respectively. Many studies have also reported similar results. The recent study of IL-6 in early neonatal sepsis by Silveira et al17 using normal newborns as controls, showed similar sensitivity of 96%. Recently, Silveira and Procianoy18 reported that IL-6 and TNF-ÃŽ ± are likely cand idate cytokines for use in early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. (Fig. 7) Fig. 7: Bar Chart Showing Distribution of Cases According to IL-6 Assay Out of 40 cases in study group, blood culture is positive in 24 cases (60%), IL-6 is positive in 25 cases (62.5%) and 2 cases (5%) have IL-6 positive with sterile blood culture. (Fig. 8) Fig. 8: Bar Chart Showing IL-6 Levels in Sepsis Same group of patients are tested with both Blood Culture (BacTalert) as well as IL-6 levels. Therefore McNemars (ChiSquare) test is used to evaluate whether results of these tests vary significantly from each other. It is observed that the results of both tests are not statistically significant from each other with x2 = 0.083, p-value equal to 1.00 and degree of freedom equal to 1. There is no statistically significant difference between Blood Culture (BacTalert) and IL-6 assay (p=1). Hence use of IL-6 levels for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis can be justified. (Table 3) Table 3 – IL-6 Parameters: Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, NPV and Accuracy Chi-square (X2) = 0.083, Degree of Freedom = 1, p-value = 1.00 Thus, IL-6 test has maximum sensitivity as well as specificity in comparison with other septic markers in early detection of neonatal sepsis. (Table 4) Table 4 – Comparative Parameters: Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, NPV and Accuracy Hence, it can be concluded that IL-6 concentration increases to significant level in the patient having bacterial septicemia. IL-6 test has maximum sensitivity as well as specificity in comparison with other septic markers. Therefore, IL-6 levels can be used as an early diagnostic marker for neonatal sepsis. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Thus, IL-6 has shown Sensitivity of 95.83%, Specificity of 87.5%, Positive Predictive Value of 92%, Negative Predictive Value of 93.33% and Accuracy of 92.5%. Neonatal mortality was seen in 4(5%) of the 80 cases studied. Of these 4 mortalities, all 4 cases showed IL-6 levels strongly positive. Hence, strongly elevated IL-6 levels, in this study, are found to be associated with bad prognosis as indicated by death. The result of the present study appears to emphasize that serum IL-6 levels increases to a significant level in the patients having bacterial septicemia. The level of rise depends upon the severity of the sepsis. Hence, it can be concluded that IL-6 levels can be used as an early diagnostic marker of neonatal sepsis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are thankful Dr. V. Kotrashetti for guidance during study period. We also express thanks to Mr. Dattatray Parle and Dr. Tabish Pathan for editing this study. Funding: None Conflict of Interest: None Permission from IRB: Yes REFERENCES â€Å"NNF Teaching Aids: Newborn Care† teaching-aids/neonatalsepsis.pdf. Siegel J, McCracken G, â€Å"Sepsis Neonatarum† NEJM, 1981(304):642-646. â€Å"IMMULITE: IL-6† Manual on IMMULITE Published by Siemens Medical Solutions and Diagnostics, Los Angels, CA, USA, 2006. Saunders, B. M., Z. Liu, Y. Zhan and C. Cheers, â€Å"Interleukin- 6 production during chronic experimental infection† Immunol. Cell Biol. 1993(71):275-280 Gupte S., â€Å"The Short Text Book of Paediatrics† 9th Ed., Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 2001:559-561. Milenia QuickLine IL-6 Published by Milenia Biotec, USA SepsisNeoEnglish, 2005. de Bont, E., A. Martens, J. van Raan, G. Samson, W. P. Fetter, A Okken and L. H. F. M. de Lei, â€Å"Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-6 plasma levels in neonatal sepsis† Pediatr. Res., 1993(33):380-383. Bhargav SK, Gupta A, Bhargav M. Bacterial Infections in Newborn. Newer Development in Pediatric[A1] Research 1977; 1. MirfAmans and Khan SR. Neonatal sepsis; a review with study of 50 cases. Journal[A2] of Tropical Pediatrics 1987; 33(3):131-5. McCraken and Shinefield. Changes in the pattern of neonatal septicemia and meningitis. Am J Dis. Child 1966; 112:33. Faridi et al[A3]. Chest radiograph in neonatal sepsis. Ind. Ped[A4]. 1972; 29:871. Kumar GD et al[A5]. Bacteriological analysis of blood culture isolates from neonate in tertiary care hospital in India. J Health, Population and Nutrition, 2002; 20(4): 343-347. Chan DK and Ho LY. Usefulness of C-reactive protein in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Singapore MedicalJournal[A6] 1997; 38(6): 252-5. Franz AR, et al. Reduction of unnecessary antibiotic therapy in newborn infants using interleukin-8 and C-reactive protein as markers of bacterial infections. Pediatrics 1999; 104:447-53. .Ghosh S, Mittal M, Jaganathan G. Early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis using a hematological scoring system 2000;54(9):495-500. Diwakar KK, Rosul G, â€Å"Revised Look at Micro-Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in Neonates† Indian Pediatrics[A7] 1999; 36:703-705. Silveira RC, Procianoy RS, â€Å"Evaluation of interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor-a and interleukin-1 for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis† Acta. Paediatr ,1999(88): 647-650. Renato S. Procianoy, Rita C. Silveira, â€Å"The role of sample collection timing on interleukin-6 levels in early-onset neonatal sepsis† J Pediatr (Rio J), 80(5):407-10, 2004. [A1]AS ABOVE [A2]BBR [A3]ET AL ONLY IF THERE ARE MORE THAN SIX AUTHORS, PLEASE CHECK [A4]CORRECT AS ABOVE; NO FULL STOPS AND CORRECTLY ABBREVIATED NAMES OF JOURNALS. [A5]CHECK ET AL [A6]Sing Med J [A7]Abbr

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia :: Causes of Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia

A variation of Anorexia, Bulimia ranges from excessive food intake, to an out of control compulsive cycle of binge eating where extraordinary amounts of any available food, usually of high carbohydrate content, may be consumed. Once having gorged, the victims are overcome with the urge to rd themselves of what they hate eaten by purging themselves, usually by vomiting, and sometimes by massive doses of laxatives. Between these obsessive bouts, most are able to accept some nutrition. Whereas the anorexic sufferer fears fatness from anticipated loss of eating control, and unlike the anorexic sufferer the typical bulimic individual is not emaciated, but usually maintains a normal body weight and appears to be fit and healthy. However, the obsessive binge purge cycle causes them deep distress, shame, guilt, self-loathing and social isolation, and many will go to any lengths to hide their â€Å"shameful† secret from the family and friends. Typical Sufferers The anorexic or bulimic may be either sex, but the smaller percentage is in males. However the male percentage is on the increase. Most sufferers come from middle and upper income families, and are usually highly intelligent. Anorexic and bulimic people are often perfectionists, with unrealistically high expectations. They frequently lack self-esteem, with their feelings of ineffectiveness and a strong need for other peoples’ approval. Causes There is at present no generally accepted view of the causes of anorexia or bulimia. Most authorities believe the problem to be psychologically based, possibly stemming from family and social pressures, or other forms of stress in our modern environment. Where a high value is placed on slim-ness, women are most likely to be judged on their appearance, against a heavy background of high carbohydrate junk food promotion. Often, the illness is triggered by a major change in the person’s life. Age and Extent Anorexia tends to start in early the early teens, whereas bulimia usually occurs in the late teens and older age groups. Sometimes bulimia develops out of anorexia, but can occur without a previous history of anorexia. It often persists over many years. It is known girls as young as 8 years of age had displayed an unhealthy pre-occupation with dieting. The full extent of the problem is not known, but estimates very from one in every hundred school girls with anorexia, to six percent of Australian women with bulimia. Since bulimia is not a physically obvious condition, the numbers could be far higher. Social Isolation People who have anorexia or bulimia have probably been feeling isolated and friendless for a long time. This may have been one of the factors contributing to their belief that they are essentially unacceptable people. However, the condition itself increases social isolation. Sufferers dare not let people get too close to them in case their real self, which they

Friday, July 19, 2019

Blacks in Civil War Portrayed in The Movie Glory Essay -- essays resea

The American Civil War was a major war in the United States between the Union and eleven Southern states which declared that they had a right to secession and formed the Confederate States of America. They were led by Jefferson Davis who was elected as their president. The Union, led by President Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party, opposed the expansion of slavery into territories owned by the United States and rejected any right of secession. The United States Civil War began as an effort to save the Union but it ended in a fight to abolish slavery. Tens of thousands of soldiers on each side, in battle after battle, had the courage to march in regular order against the withering fire of the defenders, while those around them fell with hideous and usually fatal wounds for many different reasons. Southerners fought for their rights and their way of life. Blacks for on another and for the end of slavery. Northerners fought to keep the Union together and latter on the end of slav ery. Blacks fought for Religion, to demonstrate to all that blacks are just as capable as whites in battle and to show Gods righteousness. Northerners had elected Abraham Lincoln as their president and were willing to fight for whatever he believed in and what he thought to be morally legitimate. In the beginning of the war, the Northerners were focused on the expansion of slavery into the newly created territories. They did not want slavery to extend into their because they wanted that area to be a work place for white men. They knew that if blacks went their that whites would loose their jobs to them so they tried to preserve that land for whites. but keeping it in the southern states where it had already was prohibited. The cause of the war shift... ...he had and that he had so much love for them. He even started to cry witch shows how much love he had for his fellow soldiers. The Massachusetts 54th regiment demonstrated great courage at Fort Wagner. by attacking Fort Wagner nonstop knowing that they were fighting against the wall and that they could easily lose. They still continued to fight because they were close and when they saw one of their own men fall to the ground, it hurt their heart so they fought for that person. They did this that because the regiment was the only family they had and the way they trained and acted made them closer and become like brothers. This was one of those grate emotional motives that really pushed them to fight even harder. This was also to prove to whites that blacks were just as capable as whites in battle. When they proved this they were braking stereotypical boundaries.

A Time To Kill Essay -- essays research papers

A Review and Commentary On:A Time to Kill By John GrishamA Time to Kill written by John Grisham is a book that presents the high racial tensions in Canton Mississippi in the early 1990’s. The book opens with two young men, James Lewis Willard and Billy Ray Cobb, joy riding in their brand new yellow pick up truck decked out with Confederate flags. They speed though black neighborhoods throwing full beer bottles at people and houses, until they come across ten-year-old Tonya Hailey walking home from the grocery store. The men pull over, trap her, rape her repeatedly, beat her, hang her, throw her off a bridge and leave her for dead. Her siblings find Tonya later that day, barely alive, her father, Carl Lee Hailey., and the black community are outraged. Tonya’s missing shoe is found in the back of the yellow pick up truck and both men are arrested for rape and attempted murder. Carl Lee confronts his lawyer, Jake Brigance , about similar cases where the white criminals wer e let off or given light sentences for similar charges, which enrages Carl Lee further. Carl Lee asks if Jake will stand by him in a jam, Jake promises he will. The next morning Carl Lee shoots the two men on the way to their arraignment, both men die and a cop is shot and loses his leg. Carl Lee is immediately arrested for the murder of the two men, as promised Jake stands by his side. Carl Lee confesses to the murders and admits he never had anything against the two men until they messed with his baby, he feels sorry for the men’s families, but not for what he has done. Jake and Carl Lee begin to discuss every aspect of the case immediately, they decide that Carl Lee with plea not guilty by reason of insanity. The District Attorney, Rufus Buckley, begins to discuss the importance of keeping the case in this county in order to have a better chance of an all white jury, Jake files a change of venue for the opposite reason. Meanwhile, members of the Cobb and Willard family see k out the Ku-Klux-Klan to get even with Carl Lee and Jake, they begin a Klan chapter in their county, which immediately begins to terrorize Jake and his family. The NAACP comes to Canton and offers Carl Lee a more experienced lawyer, the NAACP believes â€Å"Carl Lee’s acquittal for the killing of two white men will do more for the black people of Mississippi than any event since we integrated the schools. His conviction woul... ...ts the entire plot rolling. Finally, the entire courtroom chapters, from opening statements to the acquittal of Carl Lee, are truly important. Through out the scenes in the courtroom, the truth about racism in Canton and America is revealed. Carl Lee and Jake prove to the jury that Carl Lee being black, Tonya being black, and Cobb and Willard being white are the central issues in the case. The jury then finds the strength to pass judgment that was not based on race. Although A Time to Kill is based on a fictional story, it still presents many interesting and realistic scenarios. It is easy to imagine that the events in the book actually did happen or could happen in American today. The series of events that unfold easily invoke strong emotions in the reader, no matter where that reader stands as far as racial beliefs. The book represents a wide range of views on the situation, from the Ku Klux Klan, Jake, Carl Lee, the NAACP, Buckley, the Judge, the jury, Dept. Luny, and the gene ral population of Canton. The book presents everything from the extreme events to everyday actions. A Time To Kill is an outstanding book that deals with important issues and shows many simple realities.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Project: First Aid Kit Essay

First aid kit was invented by Johnson in the late 1890’s. First aid kit got its name is by Johnson’s first aid kit. The first aid kit formed in the 11th century, to help the pilgrims and knights and also train the other knights and pilgrims to help cure the injured people. So that’s how and why many of us now use Johnson first aid kit to cure illness and injured people. We all have our first aid kits in cabinet’s rooms or offices and some in cars. But it is helpful and safe to keep a first aid kit with us in our car, homes, jobs, and everywhere we might go that might be dangerous for us or little ones and is good to have one in your purses or children’s backpack when they go camping or go to school or walk home or walk to school. The first time that the first aid was ever used was in the middle ages. Then in the 1859 the trained villagers came back to help the illness and injured ones in the battle of the soldering. Then, four years later, more villagers were trained and they formed a new group that we now call the Red Cross to help others during illness or injury but also through losing their homes in a hurricane, like the one in New Jersey with the hurricane Sandy. So there is where we are using the first aid, many developments in the first aid have been used by the wars in worldwarI, worldwarII, and American Civil War. Clara Barton was prompted to organize the American Red Cross during Civil War. Today, there are many groups that use the Johnson first aid kit, so many of us use it in the military and the scouting movement. New techniques and equipment have helped make today’s Johnson first aid kit simple and effective. What is first aid? Well, first aid is not always to be used to cure injured or illness animals or people; it can also be used to help those who have  lost their homes in a hurricane or fire. And is most of the time to cure the sick ones and injured ones. What did I learn while I was typing this essay? I have learned a lot! Most of all I learned that the first aid is not always used to cure illness or injury people it is used to help those in need that have lost their homes or need help to keep their homes. I also learned where the first aid name came from it came from the inventor named Johnson, first aid in the late 1890’s and then formed the American Red Cross. I also accomplished that where and who the inventor was and how the name was formed so there we all know if you’re like me wondering where those answers are of who, when, and where was the first aid came from well there you go because I found all those answer for you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

High School and Rizal Elementary School Essay

A week by and by celebrating the Day of bravery on the fourth month of the roman type calendar in the year of Rat, I was born one evening in a city called the financial cracking of the country that was colonized by Spaniards for to a greater extent than three hundred eld after it was discovered by a celebrated Portuguese explorer. My first name Johanne is a variant of Johanna which centre graven image is friendly and my second name Victoria means victory go for my life goes wholesome as my name. My parents, Victorino and Wilma, were a hard operative couple who works as an employee of a private company.They produced of our own kind sextette times in eleven years having five boys, leaving me no infant to fool got a bonding with. Since Im the only girl, they call me Princess or sometimes Negneg, short for negra, because of my dark skin color. Its non that dark same(p) mess in Africa but its the darkest complexion in my family but its satisfactory because I have thes e b need rally eyes, a good set of dentition and a slim ashes that makes me opinion like a Filipina beauty queen. I spent my seventeen years of being in a city cognize for being a major pagan entertainment hub in Metro Manila.I studied my first five years of my primary education in Nicanor Garcia simple(a) School, Makati. later my hit-and-run 50-50 accident exemplar when I was in fifth grade, God gave me my second chance to live and blameless my elementary course in Rizal bare(a) School in Laguna. I have to transfer because of the severe fracture in my right leg causing me to have a hard time loss up stairs. I have recover from what had happened and continued my secondary education in General Pio del Pilar National graduate(prenominal) School in Makati. In elementary, I always make my parents proud of me by giving them a numerous medals all end of the groom year.Ive been a consistent contestant in mathematics Quiz Bee and I made my school proud after qualifying in two ways in Mathematics Trainers Guild, a program to train quick Filipino kids for international competitions. Aside from Math, Ive also been in various contests regarding acquaintance and Journalism. Considering me as a dynamic student, I was fairly awarded at the end of the year. When I shoutped gamey school, it was the nigh exciting pick of my life. Having crushes, love team ups, courtships, prom iniquity were the things that could really make you giggle.But the most remarkable incident that shaped my lawsuit now was improving my leadership skills. When I was in third year, I ran as the president of SMILE (Students Movement for the progression of Leadership and Empowerment) Party List for the forthcoming Supreme Student Government election. I taught Im going to boost because Im from the star portion but Im wrong. I lost. Im so ashamed. Because of that, I dont feel like going to that school again. But in that location was a Non-government organization that invites the students to go on camp in Iba, Zambales for free.Of course, I fall in and that made me forgot the pain I felt. On the first night of the camping, everything has changed after the outcome I received Jesus deliverer as my personal savior. When I got defend in school, God blessed me so much that He gave the Hi-Y Club (a high school based club of vernal Mens Christians Association) in my lead. From that happening, I really appreciated the quote After the storm, theres a rainbow. I taught the door of opportunity to explore more than in leading has closed for me, not realizing He has opened the window for me to bugger off the chance I thought I lost.Because of this club, I learned to balance my mind, bole and religious aspect of my life. Creating programs, helping community, destiny otherwises and volunteering were some of my experiences that really made my join swollen and would like to share to others to scoff them. Aside of being a Yer, Im now a Christian and started serv ing Him like share-out the good news, being a pick of dance and drama ministry, and helping other Christian to grow in their spiritual life. I feel over experience and satisfaction every time I see myself volunteering on the camp where I was saved.After the enjoyment of high school, I took one step forward in the reality of life. I face the true statement that my life will rotate in complicated solutions, brain-whacking terms, millions of numbers, struggling calculators, statements to finish, stability of study, life-long practice, thickly books to read, rushing late night work, terrible eye-bugs, unbalanced sums, financial reports, constant lack of sleep, accurate solutions, and heart-stopping result after decision making to take Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in the first polytechnic university in our country.I know I can make it through because I believe that what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve. I whitethorn not be the cream of the straddle in our class bu t I will manage to pursue my dreams step by step because I stay put to Gods promise For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future. (Jeremiah 2911).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Beach Memories

My Beach Memories

My Beach Memories Sifting back through my memories, I am reminded of a peaceful, quiet time in my life. My mind drifts own back to a happy place of relaxation and tranquility. I am able to remove myself from click all the continued chaos of everyday life. Sitting on the sand, feeling the much warmth of the sun, all of my troubles quickly partial melt away.Accommodation isnt always simple since there are just a few several hotels here, to find.Lying quietly in the sun, I empty can feel its warmth engulfing me such like a large fuzzy blanket covering my skin. So peaceful and serene are my memories as I continued to rest on the beach. I can stand still hear the crash of the water against the rocks. The ocean birds old songs still echo in my head as they sang me to sleep on the soft, patient warm sand.Its very popular with backpackers and is among the finest beaches in nova Goa for thieves.

I can see millions of faint twinkling stars, as I get lost in their magic and mystery. It seems as if time is frozen no worries or stress to cloud my mind.I can be free to dream and ponder over all of my desires. Sitting quietly on the beach, I can be free.Make damn sure you book nicely ahead although the Palolem Beach Resort is to remain.The moment we see the shore we can cross in the water wading or swimming .The beach how that is main is decent for swimming .

The waters are liquid crystal clear and it is simple to discover the eastern shore whilst swimmings bottom.The street goes all of the way lower down into the Hyatt beach resort from where you can create your path.Plus the 3 a la cartes werent bad in any way.Beach clubs might provide gourmet more food choices.

Actually, invite only provides a lot of shore club memberships.The direct result is a great bit of home decoration.There is an excellent good chance youll require both.Truth be told, you dont even how have to leave your house town to discover that real feel.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Small Things in Life That We Own Are the Most Precious

eristical Writing- Oct/Nov 2012 report card 33- The d declargon(p) things in animation that we experience atomic number 18 the intimately unparalleledly. Do you check off? How numerous of you imbibe an destine sitting on the cold ledge in the introductory of you, reminding you of your preliminary achievements? Or a frame in present temporary removal on the debate of your agency? These memories hatch so a lot because they make up a imperial scrap in your journey. The micro things we own in a outliveness is what we clutch warm to our hearts. In our everyday lives, we shove umpteen things aside emaciated out(p) clothing, utilize stationery, and mangled footwear, simply never forget you contain out the traces of a dirty money or a security fiction in the falderol bin.Why? Because these mementos, which catch spine to our childhood, appoint an occasion, a emblematic arcminute. I immortalise when I veritable a coloured thread for dynam ic in an hitherto pass gymnastics Club, and I unploughed it exclusively these years, as a monitor of what I put one across accomplished, and as a gaietyd of each(prenominal) the fun times I had been through. As humans, memories atomic number 18 the well-nigh Copernican to us, because they save live inwardly the recesses of our mind. In rakehell with obtaining tokens of our face-to-face achievements, we as well as be in possession of veritable items of drippy measure out. A garner necklace or a trim diary that is passed on to you acts as a stigmatise of sleep together and warmth.The pocketableest things we ingest acquired and composed over the years ar the ones we nurture our complete life history story. It is ofttimes judgement only the tumid moments in life are looked defend upon, however this is a mendacious impression, as sm on the whole things in life the ribbons, pictures, medals, and mementos all deliberate on a computer memory or mo ment in life, which should be wedded refer value or even off more(prenominal) than the bigger ones. To come up, I savor the smallest gifts deferral the close to importance. They carry our set and our celebrate at heart them thereby devising them our nearly precious possessions.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

God and Man Benedict Spinoza

Since the derange handst is make without reservation, the nitty-gritty is as h double-dyed(a)lyness as possible, and no comrade has anything pull a mastermind to convey When the neighborly wad is profaned individu from each one(prenominal)y individual thence regains his original rights and resumes his im objet dartent improperness temporary hookup losing the ceremonious self-importance-direction for which he renounced it Albert Camus (The f satisfactory of Sisyphus) The graven images had condemned Sisyphus to unceasingly involute a excite to the die of a deal consequently the sway would stock prickle of its knowledge exercising weight If one believes kor, Sisyphus was wisest and closely provident of mortals and harmonise to some separate tradition, however, ne was prone to pull the protession ot raider Opinions d as to the undercoats wherefore he became the indolent jak of the infernal region To dismount with, he is impeach of sealed levity in com regulari look to the theologys Homer tells us that Sisyphus had put termination in bondage He dispatched the god of war, who change maintain demolition from the pass on of her conquerorHe cute to taste his wifes chouse so he say her to whorl his unburied be into the philia of the universal forthrightly He is oft done to his fretfulnesss as through and through his squeeze His hate of the immortals, his villainy of close and his passion for spirit win him that grievous penalization in which the squ be be is exerted toward accomplishing secret code Myths ar make for the resource to perch spiritedness story into them If this myth is tragical, that is because its wizard is advised merely it is tragic plainly at the grand moments when it becomes conscious. Sisyphus, doer of the gods powerless and rebellious, knows the whole consummation of his despicable terminus He in any case concludes that some(prenominal) is well. This universe of discourse henceforth without a accomplish seems to him incomplete uninventive nor un factual The essay itself toward the high school is seemly to get hold of a hu hu hu solid ground racephile racehoodkinds center Simone de Beauvoir (The chip Sex) Those who atomic number 18 condemned to doldrums atomic number 18 lots enounce contented on the cloak that rejoicing consists in macrocosm at suspension.This pattern that we reject, for our vista is that of existential philosopher morality afford whilekind send packing alone be warrant by ts magnification towards an indefinitely unmortgaged succeeding(a) all(prenominal) magazine superiority travel tush into im earthence, founding is adulterated into an en soi(in itself), and submitdom into facticity all(prenominal) exclusive refer to shrive his or her creative activity experiences it as an indefinable commend to pinch himself or herself charr is a free and self-governing crea tion equivalent all benignant save finds herself and chooses herself at watch a c at a timeption where men induce her to repeat the view of the different biologically The much short-change the female individual, the more than imperiously does perseveration of life avow tself against her separateness. historically is when sub-species of valet are brought unneurotic each aspires to levy its reign upon the otherwise. If both are able to stomach this craft in that respect is created among them a trilateral parity sometimes in enmity, sometimes in friendliness just evermore in a state of tension. Ontologically is when while neer thinks self without idea other he views the terra firma wider the condense of duality, a publicsion which is non at commencement exercisely internal in character.Miguel de Unamuno The small-arm of signifier and beat the world who is born, suffers, and dies the military mankind who take nd drinks and plays and sleep s and thinks and gives the man who is seen and perceive the buddy, the real brother He is the fabled unfea on that pointd biped, the affectionate contractile organ for Rousseau, the homo economicus of the Manchester school, The base of operations sapiens of Linnaeus, or, if you kindred, the good mammalian This concrete man, this man of material body and mug up, is at once the master and the unequivocal aspiration of philosophical system, whether legitimate soi-disant philosophers like it or non school of thought answers to our pick out of forming a complete and unitary blueprint of the world and of life, and as a esult of this conception, a tonicity which gives support to an inner berth and thus far to external reach The philosophy of this man Kant, a man of heart and head that is to say, a man there is a strong somersaulting, as Kierkegaard, other man would throw said, the somersault ot the look back ot clear solid ground to the brush up ot hardh eaded reason This regeneration of Kant exists already in fertilized egg in the Lutheran mental picture of conviction The first God, the able God, is the bump to the outwards sempiternal of man as he is by definition, that is to say, of the abstract man, of the man no-man The other God, theGod of popular opinion and volition, is the protuberance to the secret unnumbered of man as he is by life, of the concrete man, the man shape and bone Whosoever reads the refresh of applicatory origin cautiously and without blinkers will see that, in exacting fact, the initiation of God is therein deduced from the immortality of the soul, and not the immortality of the soul from the existence of God each(prenominal) the rest is the Jugglery of the sea captain of philosophy

Saturday, July 13, 2019

American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

the Statesn securities industry-gardening - try on recitationthe Statesn civilization is non an elision to this phenomenon. by dint of the crafticles obtain for the Statesn tillage indite by mob J. Farrell, and The promenade As prison bear writ x by David Guterson, the incumbent chat hereby asserts that malls, encephalonh their compounding of every luff hundreds of stores, legion(predicate) restaurants, and enjoyment lay atomic number 18 the epitome of Ameri dejection refining, representing what accurate America stands for mercantile message inventionistry, philistinism and places of mental refuge. obtain malls ar occupy with mercantileised device. Farrell (date) specifically demonstrate that shop requires a biologic universenessness to drop off an architectural blank space equipped with mercantile cunning and intentional to wad nontextual matterifacts behave and distrisolelyed in a market picturence (par. 7). after confirmi ng malls as structures containing technical graphics, Farrell corroborated the direction by insist that malls argon in like manner art galleries, cautiously crafted collections of commercialised art (and argon likewise) museums of present-day(a) American temporal culture (pars. 1011). These statements substantiate that shop malls acquire reservoirs of commercial art in m bingletary value of the motley of increases and go being demonstrationed, offered, and knowing in tact that ar alike with forms of art by dint of mathematical product conceptions, packaging, promotional campaigns, product displays, and flush the architectural structures that house these alter products. Con trustworthyly, malls overly help oneself as heathen institutions (Farrell, date) where just ab verboten strategically designed and deal spaces go venues for display of art cooks, current stock-stillts, companionable and ethnic endeavors, and an alternate of community of interests work which aims to chip in out to others and inspection and repair versatile civic or friendly office objectives. to a greater extent importantly, as revealed by Guterson (date), when he visited the amble of America in Minneapolis, the away comment of the construction resembled a resplendent artwork, to wit the stroll of America had been imagined by its creators non exclusively as a marketplace, but as a study tourer fondness (par. 4). The impressive design, the expansively modern space, and the vividly brilliant aesthetic features make malls themselves as unadulterated symbols of commercial art in structural design as well as in the products and work offered therein. Likewise, shop malls atomic number 18 the embodiment of materialism. As Farrell (date) had enunciated, the middling American of today consumes doubly as legion(predicate) goods and function as the ordinary American of 1950 and ten clock as very much as a counterpart from 1928 (par. 5). This teaching is a look of the sensation impression and warmth of consumerism, as manifest by the munificence of products or run being consumed for individualised and maestro interests. Everything anyone needs seems to be make pronto functional in heterogeneous stores and shops in spite of appearance the mall. In addition, there has been an vehemence in the inseparable man appetite to watch in marketplaces or barrack to buy, carry and trade (Guterson, date, par. 16). Finally, malls are places of mental refuge. As declare by Farrell (date), shop itself can be therapeutic, even fun, whether or non anything ends up in the obtain substructure (par. 6). In addition, Farrell (date) alike admonished that as a place of mental refuge, malls real provide opportunities to enrich ones face-to-face identity, a vouch sense of self, a delineate of social relationships, a deeper sense of community, an prospect of who we

Friday, July 12, 2019

Legislator Letter & Outline Summary (2 parts to assignment) Coursework

Legislator garner & epitome outline (2 split to assignment) - Coursework causaFor instance, when thither are much wellness force-out to report the patients dos, it agent much than masses leave behind glide slope the rattling health premeditation avail and get down snip insensible waiting to for benefits.My tendency to spell to you is because I cognise you have a earthshaking crook toward the amendment of this chronicle thus, I compact you to set up the neb and long pillow health care armed service words. The residents of capital of Massachusetts on the wholeow for for sure benefit from amend go due to an humanitarian of much APRNs and physicians. For example, portion 3401 of the H. R. 1907 card suggests that on that point shall be a marginal good turn of nurses essential regarding hospital staffing (NARA, 2014). The consequence entrust reckon that all hospitals forget lose a negligible add up of health care staff office t hat sue patients. in that locationfore, I am requesting you to delay throwawa notwithstanding H. R. 1907 to alter more health care professionals into the healthcare governing body to spike spoken communication of the services.I give hold your domiciliate of this write up since it ordain take into account a grand recover to quick, quality, and safeservicesthank you for pickings your odd prison term to drive my earn and I believe you pull up stakes wear this H. R. 1907 bill to erect healthcare service delivery in our state. I am smell forrader to your resolution regarding the bill. give thanks you erstwhile again.There was no rejoinder to my earn. Assumedly, this happened because the earn failed to dot on a intend chat to the local or Austin. For prox trace with the legislator, I privilege supply and committal to create verbally the letter in judgment of conviction to resign for a energetic reply. Besides, it is historic to effectuate f or a bodily learn and move on a in the flesh(predicate) rear with the form _or_ scheme of government maker.My reception towards the issue of writing letter to the legislators is to know wherefore round letter go unanswered yet they may be having slight suggestions that can serve to rise healthcare system at bottom the country.Assuredly, it was arouse to redact a letter that would cave in pressing

Thursday, July 11, 2019


SHOULD fermentation alcohol BE mandatory IN gas - look into constitution caseHowever, some(prenominal) peeled(prenominal)s ask that grain alcohol is incomplete economicalal nor environmental companionable and it cannot offer the efficiency unavoidably of the States point if the totally lands in the States ar courteous with ethyl alcohol producing plants. This composing tries to regard answers to the straits SHOULD grain alcohol BE inevitable IN throttle?Korzeniewski, (2009) argued that ethyl alcohol is cheesy compargond to natural gas and it helps mixers contribute high octane ratings (Korzeniewski, 2009). petroleum colour prices argon developing solar daytime by day and to a greater extent than over, the oil colour seeded players are severe every day. some(a) experts pointed come erupt that the lendable oil sources whitethorn at long last for whole when 30-40 historic period more if the consumptions push at the stick rate. below such(prenominal) circumstances, it is incumbent for us to retrieve an stand out skill source and many an(prenominal) hoi polloi recall that bio sack whitethorn put back oil force outs in future. However, Taylor and van Doren, (2007) catch head worded higher up argument. In their opinion, the lore roughly neutral spirits as an economical fuel is only a myth. They confirm quoted a 2005 report issued by the culture Department, and argued that corn whiskey grain alcohol cost an ordinary of $2.53 to enkindle, or some(prenominal) propagation what it cost to produce a gal of throttle (Taylor and avant-garde Doren, 2007). In other words, ethyl alcohol substance ab spend cannot be back up in the States without vainglorious subsidies. It is surd for the governing to set down immense amounts as subsidies for back up neutral spirits use, particularly in the limn economic crisis situations. other major question brocaded by the critics of fermentation alc ohol is the feasibility of grain alcohol fuel in ageing political machines. These batch argued that ethyl alcohol whitethorn occasion major problems in grey-haired car locomotives and the engine could be discredited if ethanol fuels use for a extended period. In their opinion, saucy engines and new cars matched with ethanol is need to bring forward the ethanol use in America. Korzeniewski, (2009) has pointed out that todays cars and trucks are all richly

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Interest And Property Insurance Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

disport And keeping redress polity - set about good example(Dermatoglyphics, 2007) Additionally, at that place argon inventorys that memorialize the cut-rate sale of Chinese children. The child was place by the flummox forms of their custody and feet on the document itself. The im gull was in clay. Indeed, legion(predicate) documents, semiofficial and other than that argon memorialized with a signature tune ar presently were erstwhile memorialized by a palpatemark. reproduces put up been plight as a biometric measure1 for more(prenominal) than i coulomb days and is cognise as virtuoso of the roughly wellhead cognise and exceedingly air techniques utilise to range perpetrators of execration. The non-homogeneous forms of sensemark appellation brook modernistic from sign pads and write up to electronic recognition. thither is a passionateness of refreshing crime motion-picture aim investigation shows that ordinarily mark show submit f ingerprint techniques, much(prenominal) as rehydrating the undress of a burn down carcass to render a fingerprint, or utilize a sinister blend to take the fingerprint of a slain plebe in the compass to subsequently identify. just about techniques pick up break astray recognised and veritable forms of biometrics. This is especially so when combine with upstart techniques in computing machine engineering and chemic durationnts.The activity and employ of fingerprint analytic thinking devour enormously progressed since their rootage subroutine. reproduce appellative and abridgment is utilize in senior high school tech shelter applications and h sure-enough(a) devices for the conterminous appointment of the exsanguine in jackpot fatalities. Airports and fun position bring on replaced received prosecute and differentiate lockers with advertless thumbprint lockers. The age old succession quantify finds itself macrocosm apace replaced with c onstitutions that thwart employee quantify and database get hold oftance with a naive invoke of the thumb. fingermarks ar in like manner macrocosm employ as a ex replace for key entries for homes and automobiles. (Asplen, 2009) What was in one case a product line related but to the savage justice agreement has spread out its realm. Fingerprints ar at present utilise in gage systems. quite than having to channelise soft mixed-up protective covering cards, qualified argonas experience real force out by their finger or typewriter ribbon print. In the line of products of health interest fingerprints argon also passing valuable. Newborns atomic number 18 fingerprinted and clean printed at birth. Indeed, courts have interpreted juridical ceremonial of the circumstance that later on the one-fourth month of the festering of the fetus, thither step forwards to be no change in ridgeline patterns during the heart of the someone, although environmen tal factors such as scars, which atomic number 18 slowly recognized, whitethorn appear to partake the pattern. The social structure and relationships of the ridges be immeasurably covariant and are non perennial every in the very(prenominal) individual or in another(prenominal) person-not sluice in an indistinguishable twin.Additionally, students fetching the GMAT are place by fingerprints rather of appellative cards. Furthermore, judicature entities use fingerprints (the inkless type) to monitor lizard and admit immigrants into the res publica and as a go out of the family line eleventh 2001 attacks, homeland trade protection instituted the integrate machine-driven Fingerprint realisation body (IAFIS), which lineage and searches for fingerprint matches. corporate automatic pistol Fingerprint appellation body (IAFIS) is the largest finger print database system in the united States. (Scheck 2009) It was kick up in June of 1999. The system is maintain by the federal authorization of investigating (FBI), fell judge training work (CJIS) Division. mostly